Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lasts forever

Remember those thoughts?
You know the negative ones that you used to have?
The thought that probably shouldn't be in your head.
The thought that the world would end if....
Yeah, I still have those thoughts.

You know it's time to forgive and forget, so they say.
But how is that possible.
I can forgive but forgetting, not happening.
When your hurt it's hard to forget the pain.
When your betrayed it's hard to forget the feeling.

It's becomes a scar.
So enough with this bullshit.
I haven't forgotten.
I will never forget.
It's time to move on, but the memory lasts forever.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Something that I'm suppose to be enjoying. The sun is shining more then I've ever seen it before. The heat is definitely rising and the boats are sailing. But here I am. Lonely. Quiet. Missing everything. My life is no longer in the Sunshine State but more so where my heart is.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

It's all about the coffee

The other day I was doing my Coms 220 project when I got this urge in the bottom of my throat for something satisfying. Something that would get my blood going. I knew just the thing, Starbucks.
At first, I thought Starbucks was a cute place to get a good cup-of-joe but as I got older, Starbucks became more than just coffee, it became a lifestyle. I decided to look into this company more just to find out what they really were about. Come to find, Starbucks is greatly concerned with our environment. I've always known about these "tree hugging" people but I did not know they had organizations for them. As I pryed my way deeper into the Starbucks world, I found that Starbucks and the Conservation International teamed up to ensure that earth day was everything that it stood for. They made sure that the rain forest in Mexico were protected. Isn't that just touching?
I also found a blog that another blogger had created that talked about the founder of Starbucks Coffee, Howard Schultz. If it weren't for this man, Starbucks would still be a thought on paper. This man is a legend or at least I think he is.
Well, with every great product, there has to be a great advertisement to grab one's attention. As I searched YouTube for something interesting I came across an advertisement for Starbucks that definitely caught my eye. This commercial not only leaves you wanting a Starbucks espresso drink but also makes me want to have my own band following me everywhere. My life would be a whole theme song. How charming.
I feel after looking into the wonderful world of Starbucks, my cup-o-joe will never be the same.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Wishful thinking.

Sometimes, I wish I hadn't gotten myself into this. I didn't know dating him meant dating his band also. Don't get me wrong I love the kid to death but the drama that comes with it, to me could not be worth it. My business is their business and their business is my business. Everyone fights and if it's not one thing it's another. Girlfriends bring out their claws and band mates open their mouths. Such is life right? When life gives you lemons right? But I didn't know it was going to be this bad. Sometimes I wish you weren't in a band either.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

That dance.

Dear man at the masquerade ball,

Sometimes I wonder what you were thinking. Did you really think your pointless words would not hurt? I wish you could have seen the pain in the child's eyes. She doesn't cry but she hurts. It's not that you didn't feel for her but you certainly weren't thinking. Though the ball seemed elegant and enticing at the the time, it now is the past and remains old. The glass slipper that once fit is now on the self for safe keeping. The mask with glitter and wonder is in a box with your name on it. I hope you enjoyed the masquerade ball, I'm sure you've never felt more yourself then before. But now it's time to wake up and realize a dance can throw your whole life off course. Maybe just for a little bit. I hope you find strength yourself. The child will learn.

That which wonders.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Blame it....

It goes up, it goes down. It's never constant. One minute I'm on top of the world, the next I'm as low as the worm in the dirt. He makes me the happiest yet makes me the saddest. I get worried and excited. I never know what kind of day it's going to be. I'm thankful when my head hits the pillow and all is calm. He's the reason why I smile and the reason why I cry. I want to blame it on the weather. No, I'll blame it on the month.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Hills: It's a love / hate thing

It’s 7:30 a.m. on a Monday and I have to unwillingly get out of bed. Just hearing my alarm go off puts me in a bad mood but then I realize what is on tonight, The Hills. Maybe it’s an addiction, craving, or obsession but call it what you will, it’s still drama and not mine. I’m not sure why The Hills is so addicting but my friends and I shut off all communication to society at 10:30 p.m.
The Hills When the theme song comes up, I just can’t help but sing along. Maybe it’s the beach and palm trees that hook me in or maybe just the hot boys in bathing suits. Whatever the answer is, The Hills will make any Monday a good one.

Remember in season one and two, Jason Whaler? Yeah, the jerk that dated Lauren and then cheated on her with Jessica. Well, I just found out that he’s going to be starting his own reality TV show. Jason Whaler Not exactly sure how that will turn out but I personally think it will be a dud. Unless they have Lauren make a guest appearance, who wants to see the ex con make his life without her? He was the schmuck that no one liked. Jason was the reason that me and my room mates would yell at the TV.

But wait! There’s rumor that Brody Jenner, Lauren’s resent heartbreak, will have his own reality show also. Brody Jenner What is this? Let’s make spin off’s of Lauren’s entire ex posse? Seriously, who wants to watch what life is like without Lauren? She’s the one that started The Hills or at least is the star of it. Why would we need to make more little shows for these blockheads?

Speaking of blockheads. Heidi Montag all of sudden decided to make her mark on politics. Heidi Montag Supposedly it’s a big deal but who can take someone who films their own music video seriously? "Higher" video She’s very proud of her accomplishment but I think she’s done a lot of harm to our society. Thank you Heidi for taking us “Higher”.